MacroLux CoralView®
U Series: Digital Flexible Ureteroscope

Switch to industry-leading ureteroscopes for safe and cost-effective procedures. Hospitals can reduce costs and complete procedures more efficiently with single-use digital flexible ureteroscopes by MacroLux.

World-class ureteroscope technology

Each year, around 600,000 Americans are affected by renal stones, a number that continues to rise. Research suggests that kidney stones occur in approximately six percent of women and 11 percent of men at least once in their lifetime.

As hospitals experience increased caseloads, there’s a pressing need for streamlined solutions to facilitate consecutive procedures with minimal turnaround time. MacroLux products offer an increased level of efficiency to meet the demands of busy surgical teams.

Introducing the CoralView® ureteroscope, the latest breakthrough from MacroLux Medical. This high-performing, disposable ureteroscope has many compelling attributes, including:

The powerful capabilities of the MacroLux single-use digital flexible ureteroscope make it a compelling device for hospitals seeking to complete minimally invasive surgeries in less time, while enhancing surgeon comfort and ergonomics.

Why the MacroLux CoralView® U series is the best-in-class

MacroLux Medical products are designed by a team that knows what doctors and surgeons need in a well-functioning ureteroscope. Innovative and advanced, MacroLux sets a new standard for more precise diagnoses and targeted, safer treatments.

MacroLux digital ureteroscopes outperform both the reusable and single-use versions of competing devices. The MacroLux CoralView® has a powerful load bending capacity that BendForce Enhancement Technology developed independently. The insertion tube is constructed using high-strength materials and provides enhanced deflection capabilities to accommodate the bendable negative pressure sheath.

The device is available in two sizes, the U10 and U20, making the MacroLux CoralView® an even more attractive tool for medical professionals and lithotripsy procedures. Available in 8.25 Fr and 7.5 Fr with a bullet tip, the CoralView® ureteroscope series offers surgeons more flexibility to work with the right size device for each patient case.

For medical institutions seeking durable, practical, and affordable ureteroscopes, MacroLux is the best option on the market today.

Compelling benefits and return-on-investment

As current caseloads continue to increase, hospitals face more pressure to deliver superior outcomes in less time and with fewer resources. Investing in efficiency-boosting technologies is a key strategy to meet today’s demands.

Single-use technologies like MacroLux assist hospitals in addressing their needs by:

Healing for life

Healing for life, and life for healing

MacroLux Medical adheres to the vision of healing for life and is committed to researching and promoting new medical technologies to provide better care for everyone. The company is dedicated to driving advancements in minimally invasive surgery and delivering innovative devices that transform patient care worldwide.

Durable, reliable, and accurate

Durable, reliable, and accurate

The MacroLux CoralView® digital ureteroscope is cleared for use in the U.S. and the disposable endoscope product demonstrates outstanding performance, delivering clear and true-to-life image quality and color reproduction. This affirms that healthcare professionals can rely on MacroLux devices for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment of urinary system conditions.

Why buy MacroLux products

Why buy MacroLux products?

MacroLux Medical offers advanced endoscopic interventions, and diagnostic and therapeutic technologies on a global scale with enhanced patient safety in mind. The company continues to innovate and develop new products while providing strong support for current platforms through IML dealers in America.

Premium customer service for the IML dealer network

IML is known for providing expert, timely assistance through our dealer network. Whether it’s a technical issue in the middle of the night, or a specific product question, our specialists are here to answer your questions. No matter what your needs are, we are here to provide support.

Include the CoralView® in your product lineup

As a U.S. medical device dealer, are you ready to learn more about the MacroLux single-use digital flexible ureteroscope, and how you can sell it into hospitals and other medical institutions? Contact us today, and a specialist on our team will be happy to answer your questions about becoming an IML dealer.

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