EasySpot Hybrid Micromanipulator: A Game Changer for Microsurgery

Increase efficiency, precision and safety in the OR with the innovative technology behind the EasySpot Micromanipulator
EasySpot Hybrid Micromanipulator

From complex setups to maintaining focus during intricate microsurgical tasks, reducing challenges for surgeons is crucial for enhanced patient care and outcomes. Introducing the EasySpot Hybrid Micromanipulator, a revolutionary device poised to transform the operating room experience. By integrating intuitive software and features like four-dot focusing and six shape scanning, EasySpot’s accuracy and precision is unparalleled.

Here are the key advantages and features of the EasySpot Micromanipulator for minimally invasive surgery:

Key advantages of the EasySpot Hybrid

Discover the capabilities of the EasySpot Hybrid, a high-performing micromanipulator transforming surgical precision. Designed for microsurgeries, this innovative device features four-dot focusing guided by intuitive software and a streamlined setup. Learn more about its advantages when used in laser surgeries:

Absolute precision and control

Safe and proven platform

Versatile system

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Interested in learning how EasySpot technology enables surgeons to operate without their eyes leaving the microscope? Reach out today and a leader on our team will be glad to answer your questions.

Key features of the EasySpot Hybrid Micromanipulator

The EasySpot Hybrid Micromanipulator is a versatile and modular system designed to enhance precision and efficiency in surgical procedures across various medical specialties. Compatible with most microscope brands, this medical device offers exceptional accuracy and control. Find out more about the key features of the micromanipulator:

Machine guided accuracy with joystick control

Focus and precision with four-dot focusing

The use of the CO₂ laser coupled to the micromanipulator with microspot and scanner, combines speed, ease of use and minimally invasiveness. Checking the depth of ablation and damage thermal increase safety and efficacy in full treatments respect for patients. CO₂ laser systems with scanner technology are the gold standard in outpatient surgery low genital tract.

– Prof. Carlo Penna M.D.
Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Colposcopy Unit and Laser Therapy, Careggi Hospital, Florence, Italy

Get in touch

Are you a surgeon who is interested in how EasySpot technology can help you operate safely and efficiently using its innovative technology? Contact us today, and a specialist on our team will be glad to answer your questions.